We asked some keen Guns for their ultimate Christmas gift. Here’s what they told us …
From a day's shooting with the Duke of Windsor to a pair of Purdeys ... what would be your dream Christmas present?

Tim Bonner
Tim Bonner – Chief Executive of the Countryside Alliance, obsessive rough shooter, wildfowler and game shot
I’d like a pair for my Cogswell & Harrison boxlock 16-bore please. The gun used to belong to my great grandmother who was a very good shot, especially on grouse, in the days when ladies didn’t really shoot. I inherited from my great aunt who was an equally sporting lady. It was built around 1906 and weighs in at 5 ¾ lb. I cannot conceive of a better all-round game gun and together we have hunted practically everything on the quarry list from Cornish woodcock to Sutherland ptarmigan. A pair would allow me to rest the old girl on days where I might be getting through a few cartridges, and to use them on those rare and special occasions when I’m asked to fill a grouse butt.

Claire Zambuni
Claire Zambuni, Director of Zambuni, fan of yoga, Arsenal, guns, rods & wellies
The absolute next thing on my bucket list is Mongolia – to hunt for an ibex, hunt with birds of prey and fish for taimen. I’m hoping to either go next year or at the latest 2020.

Tom Payne
Tom Payne, professional shooting instructor, avid pigeon shooter and author of ‘The Pigeon Shooter’s Diary’
A grouse moor, a wild grey partridge shoot, a productive flight pond and a good classic undulating pheasant shoot. Securing the future of British field sports. Oh and a lifetime subscription to Shooting Times.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1991 film ‘Terminator 2’
Lady Melissa Percy, founder of ladies shooting clothing brand Mistamina
My ideal gift would be a shooting day at the family home of Alnwick castle with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the line.
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Bod Griffiths, owner of Vale House Kitchen, a gameshooting and cookery school near Bath
My dream Christmas item would be a Purdey over-and-under Damascus shotgun. They are simply a work of art and are meant to be be just the most wonderful gun to shoot with. They are forged with over 100 layers of Damascene steel and each one has a very unique pattern because of this.

Maharaja Duleep Singh in 1854
Patrick Galbraith, editor of Shooting Times
Liam Bell, chairman of the National Gamekeepers Organisation
Aidan Hartley, Kenya farmer and author of Spectator ‘Wild Life’ column

John Sugden and his wife Nicola