The home of Shooting Times and Sporting Gun

Yorkshire Powder Burners hold Championships at Park Lodge Shooting School

With 37 shooters across ten competitions, and 86 entries in total, over 2,200 clays were used on the day in a spectacular and hugely enjoyable event.

Nic Tortice, from the Yorkshire Powder Burners, said: “Shooters were presented with a variety of targets to test their skills, which were made even more challenging by the strong winds on the day. We had a number of shoot-offs, and for these we chose an even more challenging target which had not been shot as part of the competitions.”

“All those attending thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and were impressed with the facilities at Park Lodge.”

“Thank you to all the trappers and scorers and to Tom Bayston and his team for making the day such a success.”

Park Lodge Shooting School had been selected for the second year running to host the Championships, which were held on 27 April 2013.

The event organisers, The Yorkshire Powder Burners, are a group of enthusiasts who shoot black powder muzzle loading and black powder breech loading guns, most of which are antiques dating back to the 1800’s.

This year’s event also raised money for Martin House Children’s Hospice in York.

Tom Bayston, proprietor of Park Lodge said: “We were delighted to be once again hosting the Championships at Park Lodge. It was great fun to watch these wonderful antique guns in action, and we were delighted that it also raised money for a very worthwhile charity. “

Parklodge Shooting School
T: 01405 764500