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Send us your Boxing Day shoot photographs

Planning on going shooting on Boxing Day? Fancy featuring in Shooting Times?

Boxing Day Shoot

Send us your Boxing Day photographs

Come Boxing Day, shooters all over the country will be looking forward to a day out in the fresh air, walking off the excesses of Christmas Day feasting.

The Boxing Day shoot is very much a family day, when participants of all ages get together on local shoots to meet up with friends and enjoy being outdoors.

A spokesman at BASC says: “Boxing Day shoots bring everyone together, perhaps even more than shoots on any other day. Boxing Day is very much about family and that is the sentiment at the heart of the Boxing Day shoot. It is also a chance for the Guns to thank the beaters for all of their hard work.”

Boxing Day shoot photographs

Share your photographs

If you’d like the opportunity for your local shoot to feature in an issue of Shooting Times, then send us in your photographs. They need to be good quality, colour images. Tell us where and when you took the image, a bit about yourself and those in the photograph.

We’ll publish the best in Shooting Times and here on Shooting UK.

So if you’d like to see yourself in print, then get snapping on the 26th December!

Send your photographs into us here