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Best binoculars


Binoculars are one of the most useful things you can carry with you when hiking, hunting, shooting or even stood at the back of a large concert. The best binoculars connect you with nature like nothing else, helping you to spot and observe animals at a distance. They are also great for stargazing and watching sport.

This versatility means there are a bewildering variety of binoculars for all budgets and interests. When choosing which pair is right for you, it pays to think about how they will be used. Rugged, waterproof designs make sense if you’re going to be out in the rain in the wilderness. The higher the magnification, the farther you’ll be able to see, at the cost of bulkier binoculars. Compact pairs are good for field sports where you want to be able to carry them with you and quickly use them when you spot something. These are the binoculars we recommend.