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Best dog nail clippers

Your dog’s claws are, like your nails, always growing. While their wild predecessors would have worn their claws down naturally when hunting and scratching, our pets spend more time indoors or exercising on soft surfaces like grass. Long claws can tear, break and chip which can be painful for your dog. They can also put pressure on the wrong part of the canine foot and cause joint problems as they move differently to avoid pain. The good news is that all this can be avoided – along with vet bills and damage to your floor – as you can take care of their claws by trimming them once or twice a month. The best dog nail clippers help you avoid cutting into the quick which causes bleeding and will safely shorten them without a trip to the vet or groomers. A sign your dog’s claws need trimming is if when they are standing on the floor, their claws touch the ground.