Why all fieldsports fans should vote in the Eat Game Awards 2019
Shooting has been under attack more than ever this past year. Which is why we all need to encourage people to eat more game and award game champions by playing our own part in the Eat Game Awards
At the Game Fair this year I sat down with Annette Woolcock, who is head of BASC’s Taste of Game campaign and a co-founder of the Eat Game Awards (EGA), which were launched last year.
Annette set up the EGA with James Horne (Chairman of Purdey and Founder of Guns on Pegs), because they felt strongly that the innovators, creators and revolutionaries in the wild game world needed to be identified and celebrated and the general public needed encouragment to eat more game.
“To me shooting is all about the food. We need to increase its profile and show that game is easy to cook.” Part of that is by educating future generations and I asked how Taste of Game was reaching out to schools.
Annette continued: “We run master classes all about teaching basic skills and have taught around 20,000 students so far in Years 9-11. As a result kids have an informed opinion when it comes to counteracting criticism about eating game and game shooting. For example, they understand about deer management.
“Children really like having a link with the countryside. Getting kids involved is the secret – even after 10 years they will know that they like eating game.”
“Research shows that the average time taken for cooking a meal is around 30 minutes and game fits in with that time scale.”
How the Eat Game Awards 2019 will help fieldsports
Eating what you shoot is a key part of being a responsible Gun. Voting in the Eat Game Awards 2019 gives you the chance to applaud your local restaurant, butcher, chef and pub serving up delicious game. By doing this we bring game to the attention of the wider general public and foster a greater understanding of our sport. It also gives more restaurants, supermarkets and pubs the confidence to include it in their culinary offerings. Nominate your favourites and get them noticed. Here are some of last year’s nominees. (You can check who won here.)
Who do you think deserves an award?
Add your nominees to the categories listed below before 1 November 2019. It’s very easy and you can do it online in a couple of minutes by clicking the categories you are interested in. You can vote in just one category or all. Everyone who puts forward a nomination will be entered into a prize draw to win two places at the Awards Dinner on 11th February 2020. So it’s certainly worth making your nominations known.
Best restaurant regularly serving game
Best pub regularly serving game
Best chef regularly cooking game
Best game farmer’s market stall including street food
Best added value game meat product
Best multiple retailer selling game
Best small retailer selling game
The judging panel will then select the 10 strongest nominees to go forward for online voting. The individual or business with the most votes will win and be presented with their award at the Eat Game Awards 2019 dinner in central London on 11 February 2020.