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Are you eligible for Woodcock Club membership?

Could you join the Shooting Times Woodcock Club?

Members enjoy catching up over dinner every year

2019 was a vintage year for the Shooting Times Woodcock Club, with 39 new members — compared with 19 the previous year. Current membership is over 1,400.


Woodcock II by Seeland

Clothing company Seeland are sponsoring this year’s Woodcock Club dinner. Aptly they offer a range range named Woodcock II.

Applications to join are sent in by those who have shot a right-and-left at woodcock in the presence of two witnesses. The prestigious club started in 1949 and meets each year for a dinner that raises key funds for the GWCT’s woodcock research.

The common expression “a feather in your cap” is thought to derive from the practice of someone putting the pin feather of a woodcock in their hatband after 
a successful shot.

Shooting Times Woodcock Club badge

Members of the Woodcock Club get to sport this badge

Our Woodcock Club badge and tie are designed with four pin feathers on a green background and are proudly worn at game fairs and shoots around the country. Every year members gather together to enjoy dinner, talk about sporting exploits and listen to a guest speaker.

Due to the pandemic, the next Woodcock Club dinner at the Savile Club in Mayfair, London, will not take place until 2023 at the earliest.

If you think you are eligible to become a member and attend the dinner contact