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DEFRA make decision over wild boar management

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) had raised numerous points in its response to the DEFRA consultation and these are being addressed through the provision of best practice guidance rather than implementing new legislation.

The Wild Boar Action Plan will cover a wide range of topics such as the impacts of wild boar and their management, minimum recommended firearms calibres, best practice and safe shooting and public awareness and how to react to boar in the wild.

DEFRA has requested that BASC is represented on the steering group that will develop the best practice guidelines with the aim of having them completed by September 2008.

Alan McCormick, head of deer management at BASC, said: “BASC is pleased that DEFRA has recognised the local strategy for dealing with wild boar must be decided by those who will be most affected by their presence, the landowners, farmers, and wildlife managers in the areas concerned. This action plan is a positive first step in developing a coherent long term strategy for the management of this once indigenous species.”