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Farmers demand ‘major overhaul’ of SFS plans


Farm unions in Wales are demanding a major overhaul of the proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS), following publication of the Welsh government’s response to the consultation it ran earlier this year. 

According to an independent analysis of responses received from more than 12,000 people — of which 72% were farmers — opposition to the plans for future farm support remains strong. 

Many responses were concerned that the new system in its current form was “overly complex” and that “opposition to the woodland requirement [for farms to have 10% tree cover] was clear for the majority of the responses”. 

It showed that farmers wanted a greater focus on food production, rather than on the environment. 

Commenting on the findings, NFU Cymru president Aled Jones said: “NFU Cymru remains clear that the SFS must move beyond a scheme focused on the delivery of environmental outcomes and instead become a genuine agricultural policy that underpins food production in an increasingly volatile world.” 

Welsh rural affairs secretary Huw Irranca-Davies confirmed that SFS “will only be introduced when it is ready”. 

The EU-era Basic Payment Scheme will continue to be paid in full in 2025, with the SFS not beginning until 2026.