Five men charged after group were allegedly assaulted at legal trail hunt
Five men have been charged after two men and a teenage girl were allegedly assaulted while watching a legal trail hunt in Leicestershire.

One of the men assaulted claims to have been punched in the face while the other two victims allege that they were forcefully pushed.
In an online statement, the force said: “As a result of initial enquiries, five men from Greater Manchester were located nearby and arrested in connection with the incident.” Subsequently the force said it had charged Paul Allman, 47, Matthew Slater, 39, Charley Waring, 25, of East Street in Edgeley, Stockport, Cameron Allman, 21 and Reuben Waterhouse, 21 in relation to the incident.
Sgt Mark Body of Leicestershire Police said: “I’d like to speak to anyone who was in or traveling along Ashwell Road or the surrounding area.
“I am particularly keen to speak to anyone who saw what happened or remembers seeing a silver 4×4 parked up. If you were driving and have a dashcam in your vehicle, then please get in touch.
“Any information you have, no matter how insignificant you think it is, could help our investigation.”
At the current time, contempt of court laws limit what Shooting Times is able to report about this case, however we expect to return to it as matters progress.
In a separate incident South London Hunt Saboteurs have launched an extraordinary attack on a forest kindergarten. The outdoor nursery where children are taught yoga and gardening came under fire from the saboteurs after they offered their children a session where they learned about preparing pheasants for the table.
The saboteurs climbed that the kindergarten was ‘teaching toddlers to violate murdered carcasses of pheasants’ and provided an email address for outraged antis to contact the school on. They also named a member of the shooting community who they believed was responsible for the activity. They provided a link to her personal facebook account and encouraged their supporters to ‘let her know your thoughts’.