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Further measures to promote management of English deer

Government ministers are considering a new deer management strategy for England which could result in more actions than ever being introduced to mitigate the impacts of the animals. 

New deer management measures under discussion could include initiatives to increase sector skills, improve evidence and provide advice on the effective management and culling of deer. Work would also be undertaken to support the production and supply chain for wild venison that would result from increased levels of control. 

Deer management in England is incentivised by schemes such as the Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier payments, which would continue. 

Charles Smith-Jones, technical adviser to the British Deer Society (BDS), told ST: “The BDS welcomes any government assistance that encourages timely, appropriate and carefully considered deer management, while recognising the expense and resources involved. 

“We have already noted the trial scheme in Scotland, where bounties are paid for deer management [News, 28 August], and would like to see similar initiatives explored further. Like other interested parties, we submitted a detailed response to Defra’s 2022 consultation on a future deer strategy for England and Wales and await its findings with great interest.”