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Last chance to enter your shoot for the Purdey Awards

With the closing date at the end of the month, there is no time to waste if you want your shoot to be considered for these prestigious awards.

Entries for the Purdey Awards for Game and Conservation 2024 close on Friday, 31 May. The awards have been held annually since 1999 to promote outstanding conservation work carried out by estates and shoots throughout the UK and to recognise the individuals responsible for it. 

Entrants for the awards range from very small areas of land to large estates, each with differing approaches in terms of landscape management and methodologies of ensuring sustainable habitats. 

The Purdey Awards are judged by a 15-strong panel of experts, chaired by the Duke of Wellington. Candidates are shortlisted in June, following careful assessment by Dr Mike Swan of the GWCT advisory service, who shares his opinion from a research and scientific perspective. Following the shortlisting stage, several judges arrange to visit each estate from August to September. 

In October, the panel reconvenes for “judgement day”, presenting a report for each shortlisted entry, including details about landscape management, the species and birds observed, and how the various agricultural, local community and conservation schemes work. 

Purdey chairman and CEO Dan Jago said: “We are proud to champion the extraordinary conservation work that goes on to support shoots across the UK. 

“The Purdey Awards celebrate the individuals and groups who embody the values and responsibilities of environmental stewardship, community sustainability, as well as a fundamental respect for the quarry species, and care for the environment.” 

Dr Swan said: “The Purdey Awards celebrate the huge conservation output that comes from good game management, and they are very much not just about big budgets and big shoots. 

“No matter the size, any shoot that delivers good conservation and biodiversity outcomes is a candidate and I would urge them to enter. If you make the shortlist there will be an invitation to a wonderful party at Purdey’s famous Long Room with all its wonderful memorabilia. I look forward to seeing you there and celebrating your success.” 

You can apply by downloading and completing the entry form from the Purdey Awards website ( Entrants will then receive a questionnaire, devised by Dr Nick Sotherton of the GWCT, all about their shoot’s practices, projects and results in support of conservation. Completed forms must be returned by Friday, 31 May.