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NGO recognises Sir Keir’s keepering background

The Labour leader has strong familial links to gamekeeping.

The National Gamekeepers’ Organisation (NGO) has written to Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer to offer him honorary membership. 

It has been widely reported over the past few weeks that Sir Keir’s great-grandfather, Gustavus, worked as a gamekeeper at Marden Park Estate in Surrey. Sir Keir’s father, grandfather and seven uncles were all keepers. He has played down this background but has spoken about the importance of the “togetherness of the countryside”. 

The NGO represents some 13,000 keepers, deer managers, wildlife rangers and riverkeepers, so with the general election so close, it wanted to “to remind Labour about the importance of the rural vote” and emphasise Sir Keir’s heritage. 

ST contributor and stalker Chris Rogers said: “With [Sir Keir’s] family background, it’s an offer he should consider seriously. We need to be engaging with all the politicians and parties for the benefit of the countryside, game, wildlife, and rural jobs. Traditional party stances on the countryside seem to be shifting and perhaps our own traditional views on these parties need to be reconsidered.”