Olympic Gold Medallist Peter Wilson helps launch National Shooting Week
National Shooting Week 2013 will run at shooting grounds across the country from 25th May – 2nd June.
National Shooting Week, now in its seventh year, is a national newcomers’ event aimed at boosting participation in shooting sports.
Shooting grounds across the UK run special promotions to attract newcomers, especially youngsters, to shooting.
The reception was attended by several shooting bodies, including Disabled Shooting, the NRA and the CPSA, as well as representatives from grounds and clubs who support and participate in National Shooting Week.
Defra Minister, Richard Benyon MP, whose brief includes shooting, told the gathering that the Government is on shooting’s side and that National Shooting Week plays an important role in attracting newcomers.
He spoke of his own life-long love of shooting and paid tribute to the amount of unpaid work that is put into our landscapes and biodiversity by the shooting community.
Countryside Alliance Chairman, Kate Hoey MP, also spoke and drew applause for congratulating Peter Wilson on his Olympic achievement, which has made the nation so proud.
Peter Wilson said: “Shooting is the most incredible sport. It teaches safety, responsibility and really good values. It does a lot of good for children, whether they are in a city or in the darkest countryside. It’s a wonderful life discipline. I had no discipline when I was young. I was wayward. Then I found shooting. I found a direction in my life and it set me up beautifully.”