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Police warn wildfowlers of armed trespassers

Norfolk police is warning wildfowlers in England and Wales to watch out for people shooting on club land without proper authorisation.

Anecdotal evidence from local wildfowlers and members of the public has backed up police reports of an increase in armed trespass. “We have been experiencing problems along the North Norfolk coast — people are turning up and wildfowling on club land without being a member or having been invited by a club,” said Norfolk police’s wildlife crime officer PC Jason Pegden, who is also a member of Blakeney & District Wildfowlers’ Association (BDWA).

“I am regularly informed that people have been shooting where they should not be and I’m sure it goes on across the country. It is important to highlight the problem to all wildfowlers so that they know what to do if they are confronted with an illegal shooter.”

According to PC Pegden, the illegal shooters are either ignorant of the law or simply have a complete disregard for the club covering that land: “From a legal point of view, wildfowling without authorisation is deemed as trespassing with a firearm and is arrestable under Section 20 of the 1968 Firearms Act. My advice to lawabiding wildfowlers is to carry your club membership card and your shotgun certificates with you so this can be produced if you are stopped.”

The rest of this article appears in 28th October issue of Shooting Times.

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