Shooting insurance cover increase from CPSA
Shooting insurance cover increase from CPSA.
This increased cover is available for all membership categories including Clubman, which starts at only £32, making membership of the Clay Pigeon Shooting Association (CPSA) one of the best value deals available today.
The worldwide cover – including USA and Canada, subject to declaration of your visit prior to travel ? also extends to other country related sports recognised by the CPSA and its insurers.
The new package insures members for clay target shooting, game shooting, rough shooting, vermin control, wildfowling, rifle shooting (including stalking), hunting (such as ferreting and falconry), fishing(including wading) and beating.
As well as improved Liability cover, members automatically receive up to £20,000 Personal Accident cover should an accident or mishap occur while taking part in a CPSA recognised activity.
This covers everything from the worst case scenario of death to loss of sight or hearing ? for more information of cover details please see the website and look at the insurance section under membership.
You can join the Association today by calling 01483 485 400 or join online. You will be insured as soon as you join.
For enquiries about the CPSA members? insurance please contact – Jacqui Mitchell, Perkins Slade Ltd on 0121 698 8056.