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Five key reads for the partridge season

It's said that a partridge is the most English of all the game birds.

beating on a shoot

Who is responsible for employees, for example beaters?

4. Partridge shooting lessons for the season ahead

Tips on your footwork, why your ready stance should be neutral, where to stand to the expected flight line. When you should start to mount your gun and why you shouldn’t bring your gun up too early.

Says shooting coach Mark Russell: “Partridges are testing targets. Think of partridges and you’ll probably think of low, driven birds whizzing over the hedgerows. Followed closely by a few curling crossers and quartering birds when they hear the shooting and see the line of guns.”

antibiotics in game meat reduced

Lime flavoured roast partridge

Ingredients 4 partridge, ready prepared 2 limes butter or olive oil 4 rashers bacon 4 slices French bread 50g-75g paté…