Remington Model 597 HB reviewed by Shooting Times
Bruce Potts tries out the latest model in the Remington 597 range and discovers that it’s one of the best semi-auto rimfire rifles on the market
Need to know
Manufacturer: Remington
Model: 597 HB (heavy barrel)
Type: Semi-automatic
Overall length: 34.5in
Barrel length: 16.5in, threaded ½in UNF
Calibre: .22LR
Finish: Blued steel
Weight: 2.47kg (5.45lb)
Magazine: Detachable ten-shot, higher capacity available
Stock: Green injection moulded
Trigger: Single-stage Safety Cross bolt type
Scope mounts: One-piece Weaver base, low profile
Importer: Raytrade UK, tel 01635 253344
Price £329 (spare magazine £25)
Great handling, price, accuracy and reliable operation