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The Hellfire game cartridge

Originally designed by Chairman Sir Edward Dashwood 20 years ago, EJ Churchill’s Hellfire game cartridge has gained a loyal following of shooting enthusiasts. Here's why.

Hellfire game cartridges by EJ Churchill

Hellfire Game Cartridge

Manufacturer: E J Churchill

Price as reviewed: £158

Sir Edward’s intent was to develop a more environmentally friendly cartridge with better performance. By using a natural fibre wad and copper coating the shot he achieved his aim, literally. The copper coating of the Hellfire game cartridge makes the pellets travel faster due to less friction and air resistance which results in better patterning at long range and a cleaner hit.  Its fans describe it as smooth on the shoulder but hard on the bird.

Hellfire game cartridges

In the intervening years, the company has developed the cartridges using developing technology and Gamebore’s manufacturing expertise. Today it is the chosen cartridge for many of the country’s top game shots and shooting estates.

Hellfire game cartridge

Here is a handy table for shooters to decide exactly what type of Hellfire game cartridge they should use for each shoot. Prices for the Hellfire start at £158 for 1000. 


Hellfire game cartridges