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The Value of Shooting Report 2024 

As the main political parties exchange shots and their general election campaigns gather momentum, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), along with its partner organisations, has published the latest Value of Shooting report which sets out in detail the benefits the shooting sector brings to the UK economy, the conservation of the countryside and the wellbeing of participants. 

The key findings show that shooting is worth £3.3bn (GVA) to the UK economy every year, 620,000 people are actively involved in shooting-related activities, and habitat management and conservation work are carried out on 7.6m hectares as a result of shooting.  

Issues that affect the countryside and the rural economy will likely be a key battleground in the election, and these findings will play an important role in shaping the debate around shooting in the run up to the election and beyond.  

As readers of the Shooting Times know, shooting is a key component of the rural economy and goes hand-in-hand with conservation, as well as bringing both mental and physical health benefits to participants and providing a healthy and sustainable food source.  

A call to action

BASC chief executive Ian Bell is calling on everyone involved in shooting and conservation to make their voices heard at the ballot box on 4 July.  

“The value that shooting provides to both the UK economy and to conservation is writ large in the findings of this report; findings which will help us make the strongest possible case to any incoming government.  

“BASC will continue to work with all parties across the political spectrum to promote and protect the way of life we all hold dear.  

“We call on everyone involved in shooting and conservation to engage with their local candidates – together, we can make our voice heard.”  

About the report 

The new Value of Shooting report was commissioned by 24 rural organisations and carried out by Cognisense, a market research and data analytics firm. 

This report focuses on three main areas of interest: 

  • Shooting’s economic and societal benefits. 
  • The benefit to the environment, rural management and conservation. 
  • The benefit to participants’ wellbeing and health and the provision and promotion of game as food. 

 For the full report visit